What Is a Casino?
A casino, or gambling establishment, is a place where people can gamble on various games of chance. Some casinos add extra luxuries, such as stage shows and dramatic scenery, but all casinos allow patrons to wager money on games of chance. Some states have strict laws governing what can be played in a casino, while others regulate the minimum age and/or maximum amount of money that may be wagered. Some casinos also offer responsible gambling programs.
A large part of a casino’s profitability comes from the high-stakes gamblers, or “high rollers.” High rollers are usually given extravagant inducements such as free show tickets, luxury living quarters, reduced-fare transportation and even discounted hotel rooms. Casinos rely on this strategy to draw in enough revenue to cover overhead expenses and maximize profits.
In the modern era, most casinos focus on customer service and providing perks designed to encourage and reward gamblers. They often have loyalty programs similar to airline frequent-flyer programs, where patrons swipe their card before every game and earn points that can be exchanged for cash or merchandise. The card also tracks a gambler’s playing and spending habits, helping the casino to identify trends and patterns. In addition, most casinos have a specialized security department that monitors the casino’s closed circuit television system, or “eye in the sky,” and watches for suspicious or criminal activity. This enables the casino to respond quickly and efficiently. Historically, casinos have relied on their physical security forces to patrol the floor and respond to reports of suspicious or definite criminal behavior.