The Slot Development Process
A slit or narrow opening, especially one for receiving something, as a coin or piece of mail.
A slot is the smallest unit of an object or system that allows for insertion and removal of components. The slot in a computer’s motherboard, for instance, provides space for expansion cards and connects to the mainboard via an interface chip. Similarly, in a video game, the slot defines the position of an object or character on a screen.
In recent years, slot designers have incorporated some of the visual appeal of video games into their designs to draw in a younger generation of gamblers. Video monitors, 3D graphics, and franchise tie-ins are now common in casinos and at gaming expos, while slot machines with themes from “Lord of the Rings” and “Sex and the City” have already appeared on casino floors.
While these technological advances have given slots a slicker appearance, they haven’t changed the basic principles of how they work. A fancily designed slot machine can still fail to win players’ business if it doesn’t provide them with the right combination of tension and release.
At this stage of slot development, you’ll produce initial sketches and wireframes that show how the game looks statically. You may also want to create a prototype, or minimum viable product (MVP), to help your team build an initial, lightweight version of the game. A MVP is a great way to demonstrate your idea to everyone involved in the process.