What is a Slot?
Slot, pronounced [sloot]-uh, is a rectangular space in field and ice hockey where pucks are dropped to score a goal. In addition to extending toward the blue line, it also represents the fourth position in the flying display. Its Latin origins are linked to the verb *sleutana, which means “to shoot” in French. It is cognate with the German Schloss.
The word slot is an abbreviation for “slave of technology.” It is an acronym for “slave of technology,” and it describes those who can’t live without their gadgets. Many urban teenagers fall into this category, whether they are guys or girls. And the adage “everyone is a SLOT” is true: The word is used to describe people and behaviors that are not purely technological in nature, although they do have a common origin.
There are several types of slot machines. The earliest, and most popular, machine used five spinning reels. Later, manufacturers made three-reel machines, which were simpler and more reliable. Three-reel machines are more common because they have a maximum of 1,000 combinations, but it restricted the manufacturer’s ability to offer huge jackpots. In fact, the theoretical payout of a slot machine could be over 1000 times the bet if the player played every possible combination.
A computer expansion slot is an opening on a motherboard that adds capability. Most expansion slots are 16 to 64 closely-spaced holes that accept add-on boards. Computers with expansion slots are often referred to as slotted. A slot is a narrow, elongated opening in a computer. In a laptop, a slot is usually on the side of the motherboard. A slot can be either a micro-slot or a socket.